We are a writing, performing and publishing collective, formed in 1991. From 1993 to 2024, we ran Vane Women Press. We grew from a women’s writing class at the late lamented Darlington Arts Centre in Vane Terrace.

WritersThe Writers
PressBooks: Our current publications and earlier publications.
Press Film poems.
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Many of our backlist books are available at half price. In addition, you can have a free copy (you only pay postage) with every order, from one of: Rewriting the Map, Collecting Stones, and Walking Through Glass.

We are not currently accepting submissions

Home pageWherever you see an earring like this on our site, if you click it, you will come back to this menu of buttons, so you can explore other parts of our site.


Kathleen Bainbridge

We are sad to learn of the death of Kathleen (Kathy) Bainbridge.Vane Women Press was proud to publish 'Inscape' in 2021. S.J. Litherland writes in tribute:

Her book is a wonderful combination of a zest for life and a realistic portrayal of its highs and lows. She had poetry for both. And her wit was ever present. We found out that she was a marvellous reader of her work. The book was produced in the pandemic which gave much extra work to the editorial efforts especially the book production and the book cover. The latter was a triumph. Utterly beautiful.

The cover of Safety Measures against the Sea The cover of Glorious Vane

In 2023, Vane Women Press celebrated 30 years of publishing. We specialise in first pamphlets (poetry or short stories) of women who live in the North East of England. Since 1993, we have brought out 23 beautiful pamphlets, two full collections and seven anthologies. You can buy most of these books on Our Publications page.

To mark this milestone, we published two new books: our anniversary anthology, Glorious Vane, featuring a poem or short story from our Vane Women Press writers (see above), and our superb 24th pamphlet, Safety Measures against the Sea, a first book by Katharine Goda. Both are available to buy on our publications page.

Based on an original design by Vane Women
Logo design by Darlington Media Group
Film icon by Freepik

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Last update: 16 January 2025.